Warwick sea scouts support cartridge recycling
March 15, 2019

Warwick, England.
The 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts group is putting its efforts into various recycling schemes throughout the Midlands town, in a bid to help the environment and raise vital funds.
The group’s collection of empty printer cartridges is taking place inside Claridges, Market Place, Warwick, as well as the local scout hut, reports the Warwick Courier. In addition to used printer cartridges, the group is also collecting old and foreign coins, crisp packets, and dental waste, such as empty toothpaste tubes, floss packets, toothbrushes and electric toothbrush heads.
The group will receive points for every kilogram of waste collected, with the points converted into money which will then support fundraising efforts for a new headquarters, as part of the Sea Scouts’ ‘Building A Future’ initiative.
“The scheme came about as the group was looking for new ways to raise money for their new hut from our own members,” explained 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts’ Janette Eslick, who added that “lots of members were also very keen to try and find ways that the group could also be more environmentally aware.”
“Hazel [Underwood], one of our fundraisers, is very passionate about recycling and researched what we could realistically offer and initially set up recycling points in our hut,” continued Eslick. “Hazel felt that it was a great way for us to build links with the community and also promote the scheme to more local people if we could arrange a public collection point, so started to contact local businesses and was delighted when managers at Mellors and Claridges both agreed to come on board.”
“We’re delighted that Mellors and Claridges are keen to support our group and to do their bit for the environment,” declared Underwood herself. “We think it’s really important to engage our young members in recycling schemes and seeing local businesses and the community also supporting them makes a big difference.”
The Sea Scouts are hoping to raise £230,000 ($304,000/€269,000) towards their target of £650,000 ($861,000/€761,000) for the new headquarters, which will allow them to expand in size. The group hopes to begin building work later this year.
Categories : Around the Industry