The EU goes 5G
December 10, 2018

(Credit: AP Images/European Union-EP)
Citizens across the Union will have access to 5G connectivity from 2020, following the passing of new telecoms legislation in the European Parliament.
MEPs voted in November in favour of the new laws, which will boost the investment needed to make 5G available in European cities, thereby increasing the speed of telecommunications services and providing a boost to businesses large and small.
The news will likely mean an increase in internet traffic, and a boom in printing, as consumers take advantage of the faster surfing speeds and greater ease of connection.
Pilar Del Castillo MEP, who steered the new legislation through the European parliament, added that web-based services like Skype and Whatsapp would become “more transparent and reliable for Europeans.”
“Since the last review in 2009, the market for electronic communications services has dramatically changed,” Del Castillo continued. “New players have emerged as a consequence of consumers and businesses increasingly relying on data and internet access services. With new rules we modernise the framework, by including these new players under its scope.”
The new rules will cap the costs of phone calls and text messages within the EU, and also make it easier for mobile users to switch operators and receive compensation if there are problems. In addition, there are also measures to stimulate investment in very high capacity networks and boost mobile connectivity and 5G.
Del Castillo Vera said there was a growing demand for high-qualty, fast and secure connectivity. Examples of this include education, research and mHealth (health practice supported by mobile devices.)
Categories : Around the Industry
Tags : 5G Europe European Parliament European Union Telecommunications