Kyocera releases 2017 financials
February 2, 2018
Kyocera Corporation has announced its consolidated third-quarter financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018. Kyocera revealed that during this nine-month period, “robust demand for information and telecommunications equipment, automobiles, and industrial machinery fuelled a significant increase in the company’s revenue from electronic devices and automotive/industrial components.” Revenue in the document solutions business […]
Ricoh publishes latest financial results
February 2, 2018
The Japanese OEM has become the latest company to release its figures from the current fiscal year. Ricoh has published its consolidated financial results for the first three months of the current financial year. The results show that the OEM’s total sales have increased, now reaching ¥1.5 trillion ($13.6 billion/€10.9 billion), a rise of 3.2 […]
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