ITD successful in misappropriation lawsuit
February 16, 2018
The company has won a misappropriation lawsuit filed against Yorktown Industries and three former ITD employees.
ITD Print Solutions, also known as Imaging Technologies Direct (“ITD”), and its President, Cindy Michaels, has revealed that the company has “prevailed” in its lawsuit for misappropriation of Trade Secrets against Yorktown Industries, its President Ken Reick, and three former ITD employees, Luis Roselli, Christine Flowers and William Matthews III.
Each of the accused were found to have committed wilful misappropriation of trade secrets consisting of ITD’s customer and related information. Damages were awarded by a Santa Monica jury after a two-week trial.
According to ITD, specific findings of “Wilful and Malicious conduct” were made against both Ken Reick and Yorktown Industries. ITD’s motion for punitive damages and attorney fees is pending.
ITD said it is “pleased that the jury vindicated its rights and clearly held no person or company has the right to take ITD’s confidential information and use it to compete against it.”
ITD was represented in its case by Robert Levinson and Jason Jarvis of Levinson Arshonsky & Kurtz, LLP of Sherman Oaks.
Categories : World Focus
Tags : ITD Print Solutions Lawsuit Misappropriation USA Yorktown Industries