G7 competition authorities move closer together in the digital field
November 29, 2021
During a meeting held 29 and 30 November competition authorities met to discuss questions on digital markets and possible solutions.
The competition authorities of the G7 member states (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, USA), the European Commission and the authorities of the G7 guest countries Australia, India, South Africa and South Korea are meeting for the Digital Competition Enforcers Summit in London on 29 and 30 November 2021 to discuss questions on digital markets and possible solutions regarding for example digital platforms like app stores or online marketplaces, online advertising, mobile ecosystems, cloud computing and algorithms.
Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt said: “Competition authorities worldwide have focused on the market power of major digital companies for many years. Effective intervention is based on and ensured through intensive international exchanges on the subject. We are learning from each other and together.
“The new and sharper tools we have been given in Germany, the EU and many other states show that the lawmakers are also responding. G7 facilitates the important exchange between competition authorities and politicians to meet global challenges.”
During the hybrid event a collection of the key aspects of each authority’s work on digital markets was published as a resource for future cooperation between competition authorities and for policymakers.
The Digital Competition Enforcers Summit was organised by the Competition and Markets Authority as part of the UK’s current G7 presidency.
It was also announced that Germany will hold the G7 presidency in 2022.
Categories : Around the Industry