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France endorses repairability

September 26, 2019

As part of the Circular Economy Bill the French Senate endorses a repairability index for electrical and electronic equipment.

On 24 September 2019 the Senate endorsed the repairability index that from 1 January 2021, will require manufacturers and sellers to communicate to consumers in a simple form based on the energy label the repairability of electrical and electronic equipment.

The index would take the form of a score out of ten, based on five criteria, including the availability of technical documentation and spare parts and the accessibility and dismountability of parts. As reported on the Franceinfo website Secretary of State for Environmental Transition Brune Poirson said: “The goal is to help the consumer make an informed choice”, “it’s also a way to have purchasing power gains for some consumers,” she added.

The methodology of how the index will work will be fixed by decree in Council of State.

Categories : Around the Industry

Tags : Circular economy France Reuse

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