ECS talks EDI technology
February 8, 2021
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technology is a growing computer-to-computer exchange of business between business partners. ECS discusses how to minimise errors and maximise efficiency using EDI technology.
The UK remanufacturer, Effective Consumable Solutions (ECS), has offered Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for some time and are now being more vocal about their offering of EDI to existing and future clients further afield.
The company explained that, “simply put, EDI is a technology that allows the system-to-system exchange of documents to occur without any sort of paper exchange or unnecessary human intervention, which enables any order processing to be done much quicker and more streamlined.”
According to the EDIbasics website “moving from a paper-based exchange of business document to one that is electronic, businesses enjoy major benefits such as reduced cost, increased processing speed, reduced errors and improved relationships with business partners.”
“Computer-to-computer EDI replaces postal mail, fax and email.” “EDI documents can flow straight through to the appropriate application on the receiver’s computer (e.g., the Order Management System) and processing can begin immediately.”
ECS’s Operations Director, Adam Lighton added: “By offering our Partners EDI as part of our solution, we’re providing the opportunity to maximise both our partners efficiency and minimise any errors that can potentially occur during something such as the ordering process. All exchanges of documents are completely paperless including purchase orders, advance ship notices and invoices which can all be transferred securely between either companies’ internal systems without the need for human interaction, thereby streamlining our partners toner replenishment process.”
EDI has now come to the forefront of ECS’ platforms and award-winning solutions in response to client demands to provide more efficient direct to client plain labelled deliveries. The company has said that a number of their clients are already seeing a return on their investment into EDI with ECS, citing improved data speed, supply chain efficiency, a reduction of inventory costs and a competitive advantage as some of the many successes they’ve been able to achieve with the use of EDI.
For more information about EDI technology and how it can benefit your business, contact ECS at
Categories : Products and Technology
Tags : Business Document Exchange ECS EDI Technology Efficiency